by Jason Berry, Chief Strategy Officer
You are making it possible to launch new programs in 2024, that will literally be changing lives in some of the most unreachable and underserved areas on the planet. We’ve spent the past six months planning new five-year initiatives that are starting this year.
Why 5 years? Good question!
Alongside our partners, we’ve researched strategic regions where the need for clean water is great and can be met within five years. In doing so, we’re also prioritizing regions where the majority of the population is unreached with the gospel.
Here's the 4 goals over the next 5 years.
In every region, from the mountains of Nepal to the desert of Niger, our local partners are putting your dollars to work to see these goals come to fruition.
Your giving is making it possible to break new ground and start new 5-year initiatives that will give people experiencing desperate need across Africa and Asia access to clean and living water. Thank you so much!
Have questions on our regional strategy or 5-year goals? We'd love to share more. Contact us here.