Yet 703 million people still lack basic access to water.

More than 80% of those who need clean water live in rural areas that are largely unreached and often hostile to the gospel.


Clean Water Advances
the Gospel

Today, less than 1% of all Christian giving goes toward reaching these unreached people groups.

Our work is focused exclusively within the 10/40 Window—the largest concentration of unreached people groups worldwide.

This is why we exist—to bring clean and living water to the unreached.

How do we solve the water crisis?

We work with our local partners to find the best and most sustainable solutions in each country. These solutions range from improving water quality through household water filters, to boring deep wells, to tapping mountain springs and using gravity to pipe water to an entire community.

Change someone’s
story today.

Every $40 donation serves one unreached person with clean and living water.

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