Sponsor a Project
Serve an entire village or school with clean and living water.
By funding a water project, you can provide an entire unreached community with access to clean water and the gospel. Projects range from $5,000 to $150,000+ depending on country, regional location, and project type. Learn more about water projects and where we work.
We prove every project.
You’ll receive GPS coordinates of your project location along with powerful stories from the local women, community leaders, and pastor partners at your project.
“What a joy to receive our report! Reading the testimonials and seeing the photos brought tears to our eyes. Our family was so excited to see what God can do through this ministry. Worth every penny. Talking to our children about each person impacted has so much meaning when they can see the faces and see our name on a well in another country being used by the Lord!” - Ashley S.
Fund a Water Project
Give to our most urgent needs
When you sponsor a project, your donation is paired with a cost-appropriate solution. Your gift could fund a standalone project or be combined with other donors to complete a much larger water system! See our project types—from hand pumps to solar-powered pumps—here.
Fund a Project in a Specific Country
Your project may take 18+ months for completion if it’s in a highly-funded region. Give to our most urgent needs to have faster impact.
Project Timeline
Water projects take time because each project is part of a larger WASH program within a high-need, unreached region of a country.
If you fund urgent needs, the completion time is up to 12 months. If you choose your own project and country, the completion can take 18+ months based on project availability.
Village Assignment
After you give, our team assigns your gift to a high-need region, or the country of your choosing. You’ll begin to receive quarterly updates from your village’s country and ways to pray for the needs there.
Project planning including mapping, site selection, sourcing permits and supplies, and working with communities and community leaders to ensure ownership.
Local networks of pastors & leaders are identified, equipped, and empowered to participate alongside the WASH program. Community leaders and members are trained in safe hygiene and sanitation practices.
Materials and equipment are transported to the community, and then local partners, contractors, and community members mobilize for construction and installation. Projects that are more complex can take longer to complete, as the rainy season can delay progress. Even with careful planning, unexpected delays can occur due to political instability, availability of raw materials, or issues related to the water source.
Water Testing
Once construction and installation is completed, a sample of water from the completed water project is sent to a reputable laboratory for testing. Water is often re-tested to confirm results.
Field Visits
We are in regular communication with our partners on the progress of each project. Our team also visits partners and conducts field visits to ensure that projects meet standards, and provides programmatic support where needed.
Maintenance Training
Each water point will have a water user committee elected by the community that is responsible for the continued operation and maintenance. Each committee receives training on best practices to keep water flowing at the water point.
Project Verification
Local partner staff collect and then send the results of each project to us. Our team reviews the data and communicates with our partners if clarification or additional information is needed, and then confirms when everything has been verified.
Our partners train local communities in operations and maintenance. Photos, stories and GPS coordinates of the completed project are gathered and prepared. We verify and prepare the report and then share it with you!
Each quarter, you will receive an email update from the region where your project is located. After we have verified all project data, you will receive a report with photos, stories and GPS coordinates to celebrate what you have made possible! Click here to see an example of a completed report.
Frequently Asked Questions
We work across regions with vastly different geographies, climates, and cultures. The projects look different in each country—in some communities rehabilitating an existing hand pump is the best solution, while others require more sophisticated solutions like a solar-powered submersible pump.
Your gift is allocated where it’s most needed based on project funding needs. Your donation will be assigned to a single project or combined with others to complete a much larger water system serving an entire village. Once complete, you will receive a personal report from the project and people you served. Thank you for trusting us to choose the right water project to meet the needs of an unreached community.
Your water project is part of a larger comprehensive program that includes many stages from preparing locations and communities, to empowering and training the local Church, to construction, water testing, verification and finally completion (see above). Projects that are more complex can take longer to complete, as the rainy season can delay progress. Even with careful planning, unexpected delays can occur due to political instability, availability of raw materials, or issues related to the water source. We believe in community ownership and spend time training how to operate and maintain the water technology. To ensure your project is complete, water testing is also performed prior to gathering all the required data, photos, and stories for your final report. This all takes time to ensure long-term sustainability.
We can allocate your gift to a country of your choice where we are currently working. In each country our partners are completing different types of water projects and we will allocate your gift to your preferred country and then we will assign the gift to a specific water project (hand pump, household water filters, or contribute to a larger system) based on the highest need of our program in that country.
If you would like your gift to be designated to a specific country and find out more about our work in the country, email us here.
We begin by selecting in-country implementing partners who align with our vision and mission to bring clean and living water to unreached communities. The cultural and religious context in each country determines the ministry approach and potential role of the local church in WASH projects.
In many unreached areas, there are no local churches, so our partners look for pastors or Christian leaders who are willing and able to travel to project locations and serve alongside our partners. They are trained in WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions), and they work together with our partners to complete the water projects and share the gospel.
Our focus is to serve unreached regions with clean and living water. A people group is unreached if there are not enough local believers to share the gospel without outside help.*
The context determines the role the local church can play in each region where water projects are implemented. In some areas, pastors and local believers are empowered to be the face of the WASH program. This opens doors for sharing the gospel, starting Bible discovery groups and planting home churches. In places where sharing the gospel is restricted, the provision of clean and safe water provides a foundation of trust between the community and local believers, a starting point from where relationships can be built to show the love of God.
When neverthirst began in 2008, we listed a small range of water projects by country and price. As we have grown and served more than one million people, our work has expanded to a much wider range of technologies in more countries. Many of these solutions include large-scale piped water systems that are more expensive, but provide a higher level of service and quality of water to people.
Our prices have also grown to include training and education to communities and schools on the importance of safe sanitation and hygiene practices. We know this is critically important towards improving health in communities. Programs also include training and resourcing local pastors and Christians to participate in WASH programs. The cost increase also reflects the impact of inflation in materials to complete water projects. If you’d like to learn more, email us here.
Project costs vary greatly depending on the water technology, country, and partner organization.
Each year, we make sure each program has budgeted to ensure all the essential components are included, such as site surveying, raw materials, water quality testing, promotion and training of safe hygiene and sanitation, ministry training and resources, contingency for failed boreholes when drilling, staff costs, transportation, and many others.
We then estimate the cost for different water solutions and bracket them in $5,000 price increments, up to $25,000. Larger water projects that pipe water to thousands of people in a large community can cost over $500,000 in total. In these cases, we will combine several gifts of different amounts so that we can complete the projects.
We choose to work in unreached, difficult locations where there is critical need for water and no one else is working. In your giving, you are opening doors for the gospel in some of the hardest to reach places in the world.
When you sponsor a project, your donation is paired with a cost-appropriate solution. Your gift could fund a standalone project or be combined with other donors to complete a much larger water system. Either way, you will be recognized for your contribution.