We bring clean & living
water by working through
local partners

Around the world, the greatest need for clean water exists in rural areas that are largely unreached and often hostile to the gospel. This is where and why we work—serving the unreached by providing access to clean and living water.


Where you can make
a difference

We’ve identified 9 regions in 6 countries that have massive, urgent need for clean water and are unreached with the gospel.


Our Solutions

Based on geographical location, terrain, access to spare parts, and local preferences, we work with skilled local partners to choose the most appropriate water technology that will best serve a community.

Hand Pumps
Where the water table is accessible and provides sufficient yield, a hand pump is installed.
Mechanized Boreholes
Where groundwater is beyond the depth suitable for a hand pump, boreholes are drilled to a greater depth and equipped with a submersible pump that transports water to a central tap stand with multiple collection taps.
Water Filters (Household)
Water filters are distributed to households in remote communities where construction of a centralized water supply infrastructure is not feasible.
Piped Water
Large scale projects where solar energy is utilized to power submersible pumps to send water to surrounding villages through miles of underground pipe systems.

Start serving the

Every $40 donation serves one unreached person with clean and living water.

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