Reaching Uganda with the Gospel Through Clean Water – Simon’s Story
It’s more than water. It's salvation found in the living water of Jesus.


Written by neverthirst
Photography & Video by Tara Shupe


It’s more than water. It’s salvation found in the living water of Jesus.

When reading stories of Jesus’ ministry, it’s clear to see that He often met someone’s physical needs to ultimately meet their spiritual need.

When we identify a community to serve, we partner with pastors and local churches in the area—equipping these leaders to bring physical hope and eternal life to this village.

Keep reading to see how our partner Simon is seeing hearts opened to the gospel because clean water has come. The truth of gospel is flowing into unreached communities, and in Simon’s case—a predominately Muslim area.

God is moving and we are humbled to play a role in following this great commission.

Water is a catalyst for missions to the nations.

We won’t do a project without sharing the gospel—it’s why we exist and the motivation in asking you to join us. Like supporting a friend’s mission trip, some are called to go and some are called to fund those on the front line.

Clean and safe water opens the door for the gospel to be heard.

Our heartbeat at neverthirst is to mimic Jesus’ ministry as closely as we can.

Local pastors and evangelist partners are cherished members of our family and essential to our strategy of serving, empowering, and changing lives through clean and living water!

These partners are the faces bringing clean water to villages across the world, and they’re also the ones carrying the good news, so that both are clearly tied together. When residents come to the new water source, they are also able to hear about the true, Living Water—most of them for the very first time.

Meet Simon Onzima, a church elder in a predominantly Muslim area of Uganda. He has seen firsthand how meeting a physical need is a tool to share the gospel.

“We used to be so afraid to do ministry work in the community because the people were extremely hostile toward us and our faith.”

But the people here had a need—clean water, or any water, for that matter. Their previous hand pump had broken down a year prior, so the women were forced to walk to another village to get water. This took up about three hours of their day over six trips to and from the well.

After a donor funded the rehabilitation of their hand pump, Simon and his church finally had the opportunity they were waiting for.

“The Holy Spirit has prepared the way in this extremely dangerous area. Doors for ministry have opened and the community knows that they were rescued from their suffering because of Christians. This has created a unity between Christians and Muslims—a big step for us.”

The rehabbed hand pump now provides clean water for 98 families—about 490 people total. “We’re now able to form deeper relationships with these families and have a reason to reach out to them and share the gospel. I know we won’t see an immediate change, but God has been preparing hearts.”

(Learn how you can fund an entire project like this here.)

What would you do to see all people reached? It takes people like Simon on the ground and it takes the generosity of people like you to make it possible.

It takes all of us doing whatever we can to see the water crisis end in our lifetime.

We are in the middle of an effort to reach 75,000 people this year-end with the gift of clean and living water. This is only possible with your help.

Other partners, like Samai, are serving the unreached in the jungles of Cambodia. His recent journey to bring an unreached village clean water so clearly shows the incredible impact water has on these people. Watch his journey here.

Will you do whatever it takes to bring the gospel and clean water to the nations? Your gift can be used to change lives forever.

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Here’s how you can get started:

Meet An Urgent Need

1 in 10 people lack access to clean water, and 4 in 10 lack access to the gospel. You can help meet urgent physical and spiritual needs together.

Make A Gift

From a one-time gift to monthly giving, your resources will meet urgent needs in Africa and Asia. Every $40 given serves one person in need.

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No matter the size of your gift, you will change lives with clean and living water. We’ll send you personalized reports and stories from empowered families and pastors.

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