Miracles on Miracles: Encountering God in Nepal
Bijay's story begins with miracles that led to faith in Christ and experiencing the water crisis himself as a kid. Now, Bijay leads one of our largest partner organizations in Nepal. His mission? To serve the unreached in the region he grew up.


Written by neverthirst
Photography & Video by Tara Shupe


Growing up, Bijay’s parents experienced a miracle that led to belief in God, escaped persecution for their faith, and experienced the reality of the water crisis daily.

Their son now leads one of our biggest partner organizations in Nepal. 

His mission? To serve the unreached with clean water and the love of God. In the very region where he grew up.

Read Bijay’s story and be encouraged by the partners you’re supporting who are committed to the unreached.

Bijay stands in the region where his family was persecuted—and where he now works to bring clean and living water to the unreached.n


n“My parents were raised in a small Buddhist village. Road construction was what they worked in, making them very poor. They had my older sister, but when she was just two she became very ill. They believed an evil spirit had overtaken her body, so they sought help from the local spirit doctors. Nothing helped. Until one day a pastor came to their village and he shared the love of Jesus. They prayed over my sister and she was healed. This miraculous healing is what led my parents to become Christians.


After this, they were completely rejected by their family and community. I was born in this same village, but shortly after that, my family moved to a different district to flee persecution. In our new village, we had other believers around us and were able to go to a house church every Sunday. My dad joined the Indian Army, and our financial situation improved. We still lived in a very remote village in the hills though and sometimes lacked easy access to clean water.

My mom would take three buckets multiple times a day and hike up a hill to find stream water. It was a lengthy and dangerous process. Looking back, it was all we knew and didn’t realize there could be anything better.

How women in these mountainous regions collect water daily from nearby streams.


nAt age 14, God used a healing experience to bring me to salvation too, just like my parents with my sister. I was very ill and we were not able to go to the hospital. So I remember praying for healing. When the pain subsided, I realized God was real. From that day forward, I wanted to serve Him with my life.


I was able to get my university degree through a scholarship. God had a plan in mind for me.

After marrying my beautiful wife, Maryiam, I worked in the field of civil engineering for several years, but something was missing. I wanted to serve the Lord in a different way, not just to work to provide for my family.

Along with other missionaries at my church, we saw the intense need for clean water and started to prepare to open an organization focused on this. This way we could continue serving people over time and not just once. God opened the doors for me to use my engineering skills to minister in His name. I was thrilled to combine my skills and love for ministry.


The funds raised by that missions team enabled us to start our organization and serve people through WASH for three years. When we connected with neverthirst, we were empowered to grow. The partnership enables us to meet every family in each village and provide them with the most appropriate source of clean water.
I love to go to the field and be with the people in the village. There’s an immediate bond between us because I shared the same struggles growing up in the very same region of Nepal. At every project, there is a local pastor which enables a local believer to start a relationship with those served. We see their lives transform, both physically and spiritually. It’s my mission to live in this culture that is far from God and reflect His love to those who are desperate for hope.
Bijay presenting this village’s first clean water source thanks to the support of neverthirst donors.


I have a hope and a vision for Nepal—communities filled with health, both physical and spiritual.”



When you give to neverthirst, you support partners like Bijay who are serving God in their native countries. These engineers, pastors, technicians, and leaders are committed to ending the water crisis in their region and showing the love of God in unreached cultures.


Make a year-end gift today and help us change 50,000 stories with clean and living water! You can also learn about Bijay’s work and our projects in Nepal here.

Here’s how you can get started:

Meet An Urgent Need

1 in 10 people lack access to clean water, and 4 in 10 lack access to the gospel. You can help meet urgent physical and spiritual needs together.

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