Community Tap Stand

Community Tap Stand

As part of a larger community water system, your gift completes a single community tap stand connected to a central water storage tower. A solar-powered pump distributes water from the central tower to multiple tap stands across an entire village (including schools...
Piped Water System

Piped Water System

In the mountains, natural spring sources can provide a year-round water supply. The project protects the spring source, transporting water through pipelines and distributing it directly to every household. (serves 125 – 350 people)
Co-Fund a Community Tap Stand

Co-Fund a Community Tap Stand

As part of a larger system, provide a community tap stand connected directly to piped water. New boreholes are drilled (or existing boreholes rehabilitated) and equipped with a submersible pump powered by solar panels. A central reservoir tank is constructed followed...
Co-Fund a Community Tap Stand

Community Tap Stand

As part of a larger system, provide a community tap stand connected directly to piped water. New boreholes are drilled (or existing boreholes rehabilitated) and equipped with a submersible pump powered by solar panels. A central reservoir tank is constructed followed...
School WASH Project

School WASH Project

Provide an entire school with improved access to drinking water through the installation of a community-scale slow sand filter that treats water, making it safe to drink. All students and teachers also receive training in the importance of hygiene and sanitation to...

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