
Cambodia ranks 148th out of 193 countries in the UN’s Human Development Index1. In this Southeast Asian nation, located along the 10/40 Window, over 3.4 million rural people lack access to clean water2, and more than 16 million remain unreached by the gospel3.

national population of Cambodia
of the rural population lacks access to clean water within a 30-minute collection trip
of the rural population lacks access to adequate sanitation facilities
of the population is unreached. neverthirst’s partners mobilize local pastors and churches to work alongside water projects while they introduce the life-changing message of the gospel

The Crisis

In Cambodia, our program targets isolated communities and schools in three rural provinces, prioritizing specific districts in each with a very high need for clean water and where a significant number of schools lack access. The greatest challenges include:


Fund a Project in


Serve an entire community or school with clean and living water. Projects range in cost depending on the region, project type, and amount of people served.

Household Filters
Provide household filters for 20 families who rely on poor quality surface water so that they can safely treat and improve their drinking water. (serves 100 - 150 people)
Community Hand Pump
Provide a new water source to the community through the drilling of a borehole and installation of a hand pump to provide water in a central location in the village. (serves 100 - 150 people)
Co-Fund a School WASH Project
Provide an entire school with improved drinking water, sanitation and hygiene training, and construction of latrines (when needed). (serves 150 - 700 students and the surrounding community)
School WASH Project
Provide an entire school with improved drinking water, sanitation and hygiene training, and construction of latrines (when needed). (serves 150 - 700 students and the surrounding community)
Mechanized Borehole
Provide a new water source to a community through the drilling of a deeper borehole equipped with a submersible pump that delivers water to a central tap stand with multiple collection taps.
(serves 100 - 250 people)
Co-Fund a Piped Water System
Provide piped water directly to the household. In communities where population density is high (300+ households), a borehole is drilled and equipped with a submersible pump that transports water through pipelines to every household. (serves 1,500 - 2,000 people)
Community Piped Water System
Provide piped water directly to the household. In communities where population density is high (300+ households), a borehole is drilled and equipped with a submersible pump that transports water through pipelines to every household. (serves 1,500 - 2,000 people)

Serving the Unreached

In these remote regions, churches are scattered with little connection to each other or the wider community. Many are extremely motivated to participate in the program as a means of building relationships and serving unreached communities.

Our partners invite local pastors and churches to participate in the provision of clean water, providing the opportunity to access and build meaningful relationships with unreached communities. Our programs support pastors in project locations with evangelistic resources and empowers them to form and grow home groups in communities.

Your support equips pastors to meet physical needs while sharing the living water of Jesus Christ.


Our Plan

With your help, more than 250,000 rural people will be served with access to clean and living water in communities and schools by June 2029. You can make it possible to see:


communities gain access to clean drinking water through hand pumps, mechanized boreholes and piped water systems


households in isolated areas provided with water filters to safely treat and improve drinking water


schools with access to clean drinking water, hand washing facilities and functioning toilets


communities trained to operate and maintain water points


local pastors and evangelists participated in WASH programs, effectively using safe water as the access point to improve relationships and share the gospel with unreached communities

2 Definition: If the trip to collect from an improved water source takes 30 minutes or less, it is classified as a basic drinking water service. If water collection from an improved source exceeds 30 minutes it is categorized as a limited service.

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