Household Filters

Household Filters

Provide household filters for 20 families who rely on poor quality surface water so that they can safely treat and improve their drinking water. (serves 100 – 150 people)
Community Hand Pump

Community Hand Pump

Provide a new water source to the community through the drilling of a borehole and installation of a hand pump to provide water in a central location in the village. (serves 100 – 150 people)
Community Hand Pump

Community Hand Pump

Provide a new water source to the community through the drilling of a borehole and installation of a hand pump to provide water in a central location in the village. (serves 75 – 125 people)
School WASH Project

School WASH Project

Provide an entire school with improved access to drinking water through the installation of a community-scale slow sand filter that treats water, making it safe to drink. All students and teachers also receive training in the importance of hygiene and sanitation to...
Co-Fund a Mechanized Borehole

Co-Fund a Mechanized Borehole

Provide a new water source to a community through the drilling of a deeper borehole equipped with a submersible pump that delivers water to a central tap stand with multiple collection taps. (serves 75 – 125 people)