India, ranked 132nd out of 193 countries in the UN’s Human Development Index,1 is the most populous nation in the world. In rural India, over 73 million people lack access to clean water within a 30-minute collection trip2 and 1.35 billion remain unreached by the gospel.3
The Crisis
Fund a Project in
Serve an entire community or school with clean and living water. Projects range in cost depending on the region, project type, and amount of people served.
Serving the Unreached
In our target regions, churches are isolated and scattered with little connection to each other or the wider community. Local pastors and believers often face significant persecution for sharing their faith.
Even so, many are eager to participate in the provision of clean water for communities in need. In doing so, we’ve seen Christians gain credibility and trust, opening doors for faith conversations and the ability to plant home groups among the unreached. Our partner also supports and equips pastors with skills related to evangelism, counseling, conflict management, family care, and justice. All of these components help pastors gain access to closed-off communities so they can share the good news of Jesus.

Our Plan
With your help, access to clean and living water will be provided to more than 45,000 people in the hardest to reach communities across 13 districts by June 2029. You can make it possible to see:
communities gain access to clean drinking water through hand pumps and mechanized boreholes
schools with access to clean drinking water, hand washing facilities, and functioning toilets
communities trained to operate and maintain water points
pastors, evangelists, and local believers mobilized to participate in WASH programs as an access point to share the gospel with unreached communities
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