Let’s End the Water Crisis for a
Region in Ethiopia

It’s a God-sized vision. Together, let’s end the water crisis and bring the gospel to an entire region of unreached people groups.

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Corinth for clean water

In 2021, neverthirst identified two unreached regions of Ethiopia where there was little to no hope for safe drinking water or the Gospel. Over the last 2 years, the work has begun in these regions and we have seen an immense impact.

As of today,

430,359 people have gained access to safe drinking water.

48 pastors have been empowered to serve their surrounding villages.

19 home groups have started introducing families to the hope of Living water.

There is still significant work to be done.

More than 190,000 people still need access to safe drinking water.

213 community tap stands need to be built.

98 local pastors and evangelists have been identified and are waiting to be mobilized through these water projects. In both regions, Christians are in the extreme minority. In the Halaba zone particularly, churches face significant persecution for their faith. Despite these challenges, believers in both regions are committed to partnering to reach people with the good news of Jesus.


What will it take?


Fund a Project in


Serve an entire community or school with clean and living water. Projects range in cost depending on the region, project type, and amount of people served.

Co-Fund a Tap Stand Extension
Provide an additional tap stand to a previously completed water system. Where there is increased demand, public or household connections are constructed to increase access to previously completed piped water systems.
Tap Stand Extension
Provide an additional tap stand to a previously completed water system. Where there is increased demand, public or household connections are constructed to increase access to previously completed piped water systems.
Community Hand Pump
Where there is adequate groundwater near the surface, provide a new water source to a community through the drilling of a borehole and installation of a hand pump to provide water in a central location. (serves 300 - 500 people)

Mechanized Borehole
Provide a new water source to a community through the drilling of a deeper borehole equipped with a submersible pump that delivers water to a central tap stand with multiple collection taps.
(serves 500 - 800 people)

Co-Fund a Community Tap Stand
As part of a larger system, provide a community tap stand connected directly to piped water. New boreholes are drilled (or existing boreholes rehabilitated) and equipped with a submersible pump powered by solar panels. A central reservoir tank is constructed followed by installation of underground pipelines to carry water to community tap stands. (serves 500 - 800 people per tap stand)
Community Tap Stand
As part of a larger system, provide a community tap stand connected directly to piped water. New boreholes are drilled (or existing boreholes rehabilitated) and equipped with a submersible pump powered by solar panels. A central reservoir tank is constructed followed by installation of underground pipelines to carry water to community tap stands. (serves 500 - 800 people per tap stand)
Co-Fund a School WASH Project
As part of a larger system, provide a school tap stand connected directly to piped water. New boreholes are drilled to 1,000+ feet (or existing boreholes rehabilitated) and equipped with a submersible pump powered by solar panels. A 50,000 liter central reservoir tank is constructed followed by installation of 4-6 miles of underground pipelines to carry water to a tap stand providing drinking water to all students. The project also includes sanitation and hygiene training as well as construction of toilets when needed.
(serves 300 - 800 students)
School WASH Project
As part of a larger system, provide a school tap stand connected directly to piped water. New boreholes are drilled to 1,000+ feet (or existing boreholes rehabilitated) and equipped with a submersible pump powered by solar panels. A 50,000 liter central reservoir tank is constructed followed by installation of 4-6 miles of underground pipelines to carry water to a tap stand providing drinking water to all students. The project also includes sanitation and hygiene training as well as construction of toilets when needed.
(serves 300 - 800 students)
Co-Fund a Tap Stand (Large Scale)
As part of a larger system, provide a community tap stand connected directly to piped water. New boreholes are drilled to 1,000+ feet, (or existing boreholes rehabilitated) and equipped with a submersible pump powered by solar panels. A 50,000 liter central reservoir tank is constructed followed by installation of 4-6 miles of underground pipelines to carry water to as many as 10 community tap stands. (serves 1,000 - 1,500 people per tap stand)
Tap Stand (Large Scale)
As part of a larger system, provide a community tap stand connected directly to piped water. New boreholes are drilled to 1,000+ feet, (or existing boreholes rehabilitated) and equipped with a submersible pump powered by solar panels. A 50,000 liter central reservoir tank is constructed followed by installation of 4-6 miles of underground pipelines to carry water to as many as 10 community tap stands. (serves 1,000 - 1,500 people per tap stand)


Corinth, MS

In 2021, a group of friends in Corinth, MS gathered together to pray about how they could work together to help advance the call of the Great Commission-to bring hope to unreached communities around the world.

The Lord impressed upon their hearts to partner with neverthirst because it would give them an opportunity to meet physical and spiritual needs amongst the 3.2 billion unreached people around the world.

Over the span of 2 years, they were able to raise over $1,500,000, funding over 400 hand pumps for an entire region of India. Through this endeavor they empowered more than 400 pastors with the ability to bring the

Gospel into villages by meeting their most basic needs.
Now, they’re ready to take on a bigger challenge to serve more than 75,000 people in northern Ethiopia.

Here’s how you can help:


Pray for the Living Water to reach every people group in Ethiopia.


Give—sacrificially and cheerfully for this work to be done!


Recruit others to pray and give! If everyone who gives recruits in one additional donor, the chain will never stop. We expect there to be an army of donors investing in this!

Give hope through
clean & living water

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