The Toll on Women’s Hands in Niger

The Toll on Women’s Hands in Niger

Several weeks ago, I fell and broke my left wrist. Recently, I got the cast off and found my arm had the remains of henna designs from a friend while I was in Niger. I’ve had henna drawn on my hands several times—from living in the Middle East to India to...
A Dangerous Walk for Water in Nepal

A Dangerous Walk for Water in Nepal

Meet Chari, a woman in Nepal who started her days at 4am to collect water for her family. The path to find water was dangerous—going through the jungle to find a nearby stream. She often was on watch for snakes, wild animals, and particularly elephants. Read her...
The Scarcity of Water in the Desert

The Scarcity of Water in the Desert

It’s her main responsibility. Every day, Adama carries empty jerry cans on her donkey, riding alongside her friend Fatima to find water for her family. Adama was born and raised in Chad, a country in sub-Saharan Africa that is ranked in the lowest three...