Modeling Generosity to Our Kids: Meet the Cushmans
What started out as participating in a Workout for Water event turned into a beautiful way to bring the family together to serving people in need. Watch the Cushmans' story.

Trey Cushman attended a Workout for Water event a few years ago with his friends. He made a small donation to neverthirst at the event and went on about his day. After a few months had passed, he received an email with stories and photos of the people his donation helped serve. At the bottom of the email was a photo of people from the village holding a sign that said, “Thank you Cushman Family!”

Trey invited his wife April and children to look at the photos and stories he received. As they scrolled, his kids saw children just like them who were thrilled to have the basic gift of clean water.

This inspired one of their girls to run and gather all of her change and dollars from her piggy bank, asking, “What can we give to them daddy? How do we do this again?”

This started a bigger conversation for their family about how you can make an impact on people that you haven’t even met. As a parent, you want to know that your children are generous and thinking of others… yet, how do you steward this?

“We couldn’t think of a better way to serve the Lord and model generosity as a family–bringing clean water and the gospel to unreached people.” Their hope is that modeling generosity for their children will make a lasting impact on future generations to come.

“How can we affect a generation that we’ve maybe never met before?”

One year, Trey Cushman had the idea to honor April’s late father with a water project for a village. That Christmas, Trey handed out a copy of the report while gathering with the whole family, reading stories and sharing photos of how their generosity was used as a family to serve a school with clean water.

Together, in memory of John Geesbreght, an entire school in Cambodia now had access to clean water. They were also encouraged that the children, teachers and people in the community had the opportunity to hear the gospel for the first time.

“It was really special.” April’s father was an ER doctor, so he was very passionate about healing, serving others, and cleanliness. He knew how water was essential for washing hands, practicing good sanitation, and keeping infections at bay. “Our hope is that everyone will have clean water.”

John Geesbreght, April Geesbreght, Trey Cushman, and family. Give in honor of a loved one with neverthirst.

Trey surprised the whole family by donating a water project in honor of John Geesbreght, April’s dad, on the first Christmas after he passed. His legacy of health and love of the Lord continued on—even serving a school in Cambodia.

1 in 10 people in our world today still lack access to clean water.

It’s a massive issue. Yet change is happening and growing faster! What if… truly… we could see the water crisis END in our lifetime?

“Often your mindset can be, ‘Oh that won’t happen in our lifetime. Well… what if it could?'” – April Cushmann

We believe that the water crisis is solvable. And, we need your help.

When you give to neverthirst, you’re quenching a physical and spiritual thirst with clean water and the gospel. Want to invite your family to serve the unreached together? Sponsor an entire community here.

Or honor a loved one by giving in their name today. Donate and check “dedicate this donation” to send a personal card honoring them with your gift.

Here’s how you can get started:

Meet An Urgent Need

1 in 10 people lack access to clean water, and 4 in 10 lack access to the gospel. You can help meet urgent physical and spiritual needs together.

Make A Gift

From a one-time gift to monthly giving, your resources will meet urgent needs in Africa and Asia. Every $40 given serves one person in need.

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No matter the size of your gift, you will change lives with clean and living water. We’ll send you personalized reports and stories from empowered families and pastors.

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