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For $40, you can give one person clean water every month. How many can you serve?

The McCulloughs: Inspired to Serve the Unreached

When GT and Sally Beth learned about how many unreached people groups there were in the world and felt called to do something about it, they thought their desire to make a change was too big.

How could an ordinary husband and wife from Corinth, Mississippi bring the gospel to some of the hardest-to-reach places in India?  

Hear their story to see what happened next…

It all started when GT and Sally Beth’s church started reading the book Radical, which describes how a great way of reaching the most unreached people in the world is through providing them clean water.

“We asked ourselves,” shares Sally Beth, “well what now?”

God gradually led GT and Sally Beth to learn about a region in India called Jharkhand. At the same time, God was leading neverthirst to specific regions in need of clean and living water. Jharkhand was one of those regions.

Sally Beth praying for the unreached with friends and family.

“We got presented the opportunity to saturate Jharkand, India with the gospel. What it would take was 430 wells and $1.5 million. This vision seemed almost impossible to us—but then we remembered how Jesus multiplied the 5 loaves of bread,” shares GT.

“Jesus was calling the disciples to something that they could not do in their own power. With their own resources,” continued GT.

“This is when the light turned on. Jesus says to me, well… you got 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish,” says GT, “I’m the multiplier. Just bring them to me. And watch me do it.”


After reading Radical, their small group was inspired to serve the unreached together, specifically in India.

So Corinth for Clean Water was born. “To this day, God is providing and multiplying right in front of our eyes,” exclaims GT, “our Corinth for Clean Water campaign has already provided more than 10,000 unreached people with clean and living water.”

We feel like just a very average American family. So when you ask yourself the question, ‘What can I do about unreached peoples?’ They’re halfway across the world. I don’t speak the language. I don’t know the culture. neverthirst is that organization that makes creating change a possibility,” shares Sally Beth, “so consider becoming a part of this mission. And see what the Lord does with it. See not only how He changes lives around the globe, but how He changes you through the process as well.”

We invite you to give and trust God to multiply your loaves into a life-changing impact among the unreached.

Join us this year-end in making an eternal difference in stories around the world. And now for a limited time, every donation is MATCHED! Give today and have your impact among the unreached doubledYou can also learn more about the Corinth for Clean Water campaign here.

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